Scientific research over the last century has discovered that the majority of your brain’s processing power is used at the unconscious level.
Like a spherical security camera in a Las Vegas casino, your brain is constantly observing and storing information — even when no one is around to watch the live feed.
Modern neuroscientists refer to this as your cognitive unconscious, and describe it as the brain’s ability to register and store information beyond conscious awareness.
This means that whether you want it to or not, your unconscious mind is taking note of every single thing your senses are exposed to. In a process known as priming, your brain then uses this stored information to dictate your thoughts and behaviors in the future.
You are said to have been primed when your exposure to a stimulus in the present affects your reaction to another stimulus later on.
For example, the simple presence of a fountain pen, filing cabinets, or dark brown leather sofas in someone’s home could prime you to think that he is formal, uptight, or pompous. Alternatively, balloons, beach towels, and scented candles make you think of him as relaxed and carefree.
In what ways does incense prime you?
The implications of this phenomena are numerous. But the most pertinent, in my opinion, is the effect that negative stimuli has on personal success.
Even something as innocuous as a cluttered desk, or the acrid smell of an overflowing trash bin, can steal the motivation from your soul faster than the year 2020 stole fun and joy from life.
It should be your objective, then, as someone who understands that your unconscious mind has a veritable influence on your goals and habits, to engulf your mind with positive stimuli so that it is primed for success.
For this article I’ve compiled a list of 10 ways to do just that. By following these strategies you will prime your brain for success or, at the very least, remove negative stimuli so you’re not priming it for failure.
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These priming strategies work because your brain is a dynamic organ; constantly adapting and changing organically in a process known as neuroplasticity.
This means that even if you have been subjected to negative stimuli and priming for years, it’s still possible to prime yourself for positivity and success.
Let’s begin:
By starting your day with a hit of inspiration you’ll feel a surge of positivity. Use this momentum to carry you through the rest of the day. Find a great list of motivational quotes here.
Physical clutter primes mental messiness. So spend the first 10 minutes of your day organizing and cleaning your area. It sounds simple and obvious but, seriously, it works.
“Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility” – Dalai Lama.
Enjoying a beautiful sunrise is a great way to prime inner peace and tranquility.
When you listen to success stories your unconscious mind absorbs the good principles within them. Whenever I need a boost, I like to watch one of the “Top 10 Rules of Success” videos by Evan Carmichael.
Just as blackboards make you think of classrooms, your brain associates certain trinkets with hard work and success. For some people a pen and notebook is the appropriate symbol, while others may prefer something like a medal they won in a competition.
Personally, I like to wear a necklace in the shape of an abstract symbol for the word “wealth”. Find your trinket and then put it in plain site to prime your brain for success.
We all need to take breaks throughout the day. But instead of jumping straight to your phone, try keeping something like a tennis ball or rubiks cube nearby to occupy your attention. Your brain will get the rest it needs but won’t absorb negative stimuli or distracting news.
And visualize yourself accomplishing your goal on that date. With enough repetition your brain will internalize the goal and you’ll be more likely to achieve it on that date than if you just “winged it.”
Nature is generally associated with peace, calm, and happiness. By spending time outside you prime your brain to be relaxed and happy, increasing the probability that you’ll have a good idea and want to be productive.
I have a “social cologne” and a “work cologne.” I only wear the “work cologne” when I need to be productive and get stuff done. I like to think that over time I’m priming my brain to be focused when I smell that scent.
The consistency bias states that we don’t notice how drastically our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs change over time. Once we become aware of a certain facet of our personalities, we tend to believe that we were always that way.
Keeping a daily journal helps you keep tabs on your progress, priming you to believe that your destiny is in your own hands. Remember, who you are now is not who you were — you’ve changed, you’ve grown, and you’ll continue to do so.
Implement all of these strategies today to start priming your brain for success and watch your productivity and discipline go through the roof!